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KENWOOD TK-2000V/ TK-3000U
€ 210.00
€ 150.00
Traffic Systems
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Studies show that red light cameras significantly reduce the number of red light violations and intersection crashes. Photo enforcement is a proven deterrent that changes behavior and leads to safer driving habits. Since the inception of many countries red light camera program, there has seen a dramatic drop in red light violations. At city intersections equipped with cameras, the number of violations has decreased up to 60%, creating safer roadways for motorists and pedestrians.

Red light cameras also provide a more effective means of law enforcement than traditional enforcement methods carried out by police. Enforcing traffic laws in dense urban areas proves difficult for police, as they typically follow a violating vehicle through a red signal in order to cite it. Traffic volume and safety considerations mean that law enforcement officials can only apprehend a fraction of the violators, putting motorists and pedestrians at risk. Jurisdictions would need tremendous financial capabilities to constantly patrol intersections in order to cite red light violators. Red light cameras provide safe and consistent enforcement at a reasonable cost, while allowing officers to focus on other enforcement issues.

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